Sunday, May 23, 2010

European "Socialism" and the Stuck PIGS

A recent article over at the American Thinker (oxymoron that it is) claims that socialism is to blame for economic troubles in Europe, specifically high levels of debt.

I have to laugh when I read that the same people who gave us crippling debt here in the USA by giving tax cuts to the wealthy, two unpaid for oil wars and a token prescription drug assistance to the elderly -- all unpaid for, all adding massively to our debt -- are now blaming socialism for Europe's debt to income ratio, or at least that of Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain.

How short a memory that we might be fooled AGAIN by the conservative minions. The true culprit in Greece is that they bought massive amounts of fraudulent debt instruments from us, from US banks. These same instruments, the mortgage backed securities, brought our own economy to its knees. And when the light of day was cast upon the ponzi scheme run by America's biggest banks and investment houses and the whole fraudulent house of cards came crashing down, some European countries were less able to weather the economic storm and find themselves now having to pay for their foolish trust in American Capitalism.

I do not foresee so many Europeans taken in by the Capitalist shell game in the future. It may take them a decade to dig themselves out of the hole we put them in but it is the US that will emerge poorer for it.

"Ireland's economic peril is part of a global economic downturn caused by the creation of a sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US that triggered an international credit crunch leading to an international banking crisis. This crisis has been exacerbated in Ireland by a switch from an export-led economy to a property-led economy in the early 2000s, with the banks competing to over-lend to developers as land and property prices spiralled ever upwards, with the government and financial regulators doing little to intervene in poor banking practices. As the property bubble burst, the over-exposure of the banks became apparent and the resulting crisis led to a contraction in the wider economy with the drying up credit, markets and tax, leading to a huge hole in the public purse, rising unemployment, collapsing house prices, and so on. In other words, the story is one of, on the one hand, an unfortunate trigger that was beyond Ireland's control (the global crisis), and on the other, poor economic management."
( Source )

Monday, May 17, 2010

Support the Status Quo

Here's a rather tongue-in-cheek article on how you, too, can support the existing state of affairs that we all know and don't love. Click here!

Their recipe for defending the status quo is meant to be humorous, of course, but I've known people who exhibit all of these traits. I'll bet you know quite a few who match most of them as well.

All kidding aside, the status quo is the enemy because the status quo means the rich get richer and you and I slave away to inch forward. Unfortunately, when the economy collapsed thanks to rampant, unregulated Capitalism a large percentage of people found themselves sliding backwards at warp speed. One step forward, two steps back. That is the real status quo.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Welcome to our commune

Commune? What the?

Yup. You read that right. This is a blog for the Idyllia West Commune.

Aren't communes evil? Don't people who live in communes worship the devil? Are you trying to destroy America?

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Is it evil to steal One Trillion Dollars from peoples retirement accounts? Is it evil to destroy hundreds of miles of coastline, destroy the fishing industry, tourist industry, shrimp and shellfish industry of an entire region just to save a few bucks on proper safety equipment? Is it evil for banks to take Billions of Dollars of taxpayer money then refuse to make loans to the very people who just saved their bacon? Is it evil to pay off politicians to get government contracts in a war for oil (hello, Haliburton, KBR, Blackwater). Is it evil to encourage a corrupt government to murder environmental activists to stop their interference in your exploitation of Nigerian oil resources? I could go on but you get the idea. There is evil in this once proud nation. It's name is Capitalism. Greed. Mammon.

They say money is the root of all evil. They also say that the devil corrupts a person's good soul, makes them do terrible things that they never would have done. Capitalists are responsible for so much of the evil of the world. All in the name of money, getting more of it than anyone else. If I didn't know better I'd say that money is the embodiment of the devil and since Capitalists worship money above all else... well, you know the answer to that question. It is this greed and callousness that are destroying our country. Over the past 30 years our cherished institutions have been systematically corrupted till they serve only the greed of the corporate masters; schools no longer teach facts and independent thought, they are indoctrination facilities for the next generation of wage slaves; the media fails to report anything that is embarrassing or damaging to their wealthy owners and the corporations they serve; governments serve the interests of big business and wealthy donors, never those of the people; and now the courts (all the way up to the Supreme Court) make their decisions based on what is best for the corporations, citizens be damned.

We're just ordinary people. What can we do?

First we have to lose the hopeless attitudes we may have come to over the course of our lives. We are in the majority. The wealthy only make up 1 or 2 percent of the population so when push comes to shove who do you think has the upper hand? We do and that's why the rich are worried that we might one day wake up and stop behaving like scared little sheep or worker bee drones.

In a bee hive the drones never get any of the benefits, they do all the work, provide all the goods and services, live only to work from the day they are born, and when they are no longer of use they are cast out of the hive to die alone. The queen bee gets all of the benefits, all other bees exist merely to service her, to provide her with food, companionship, entertainment, etc. Doesn't that sound familiar?

You have the power to walk out that door and never look back. Leave the fantasy and embrace reality -- and make it better than ever before. You were born free, you just don't know it yet!

So I pose a question to all the worker bees out there, the wage slaves: do you like this situation? Do you want to live by "their" rules - the ones that guarantee that the rich get all the benefits and you get barely any (or none). Do you want to live the way the corporate masters say? Or do you want to make your own life together with others who feel the same way as you do, lived by the rules of decency and equality for all.

Let's make a commune!

It's time for a change but since we live in a world controlled by evil we have to use their system to our benefit and not theirs. There is no free territory to move to so we have to buy enough land to make our own life. A life without corporations controlling everything we think and do. We need to pool our resources, the mammon that we've managed to squirrel away from the devil worshippers, and work together for our common purpose.

We need you.

None of us have enough to make a commune all by ourselves. But when we put all our money together the story changes. This is how we will discover that we can do something better with our lives, get out of the mental prison of Capitalism. We can buy land, build homes, buy solar panels and make a greenhouse to grow our food. We can use their rules to benefit us, use our skills to make goods and services to sell to the Capitalists.

We save money by pooling together, sharing expenses wherever possible, forming a coop to benefit us all.

Who among you has the courage to leave the corruption of the Capitalist Casino? Who has realized that when you play their game by their rules then they will ALWAYS win. The game is rigged. That we all know. Will you join us and escape the lies and the false promises and live the way you were intended.